What is ASD?

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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Fifth Edition of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM 5)*, is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated with symptoms that include "persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts" and "restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities."

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder. It expresses itself in children as poor speech development, hyperactivity, sensory disorders, disorganization, anxiety, poor gross and fine motor skills, and poor depth perception.

Children with a diagnosis of autism are not hopeless. In fact, they have shown great potential for improvement with an integrated program of stimulation and activity. With the right tools, the human brain is able to change and rewire — this process is called neuroplasticity. Srishti has an integrated holistic program to help the brain develop through specifically designed activities.

Autistic children may have the following difficulties

  • Taking in sensations or information: the child may be under or over reactive to the information received through their senses of vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste and body awareness.
  • Processing information: the child may have difficulty understanding or organizing the sensory information they receive.
  • Planning or executing responses: the child may have trouble using their body or thoughts to respond to the information they have taken in.

Autism centre - Srishti Special School has an established Therapy program for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Our Autism Team consists of experienced therapists and educators who specialize in this field, which includes psychologists, Special Educators, Occupational Therapist, Yoga Therapist, and Speech Therapist. Intervention techniques as in Individualized Lesson Plans (IEP) are designed for each child according to their unique needs and requirements. With a deeper understanding about the various needs of each child, we aim to create an extensive and comprehensive program to aid their development and Progress.

We endeavour to provide a holistic learning environment for the children to adapt and thrive.

We believe every child is smart, and that your child is capable of so much more than what the world is telling you.

Assessment & Screening: - Our assessments are based on ISAA - Indian Scale Assessment of Autism - National Trust. ISAA is an objective assessment tool for persons with autism which uses observation, clinical evaluation of behaviour, testing by interaction with the subject and also information supplemented by parents and caregivers.

Based on the evaluation goals are set and worked on.

We assess the child and make a Unique IEP to develop the following activities using Good ABA practice.

To Improve

  • Sitting Tolerance
  • Good Eye contact
  • Sensory Integration
  • Activities to improve Processing Information
  • Communication
  • ADL Activities
  • Fine motor activities
  • Concept teaching
  • Reading & Writing

Based on the evaluation goals are set and worked on.

We assess the child and make a Unique IEP to develop the following activities using Good ABA practice.